Advertising Pizza
Created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Peru, this piece of advertising is pretty smart. And its just won the gold at last weeks Cannes International Advertising Festival.
tags ( Advertising | Pizza )
Created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Peru, this piece of advertising is pretty smart. And its just won the gold at last weeks Cannes International Advertising Festival.
I am the snooze champion. With my last alarm clock I snoozed for 2 hours once, the bulk of which I didn’t know I was doing. So much for getting up. Today I messed up too. Although I did watch three films last night which took me into the bad part of late o'clock. What I need is a Pattern Clock. This can’t be turned off until the sleeper can repeat back a randomly generated pattern of flashing lights. If you get it wrong it just keeps buzzing till you do. Someone please couple this with a tea maker.
What a week it has been. Having a quick scour over the best grooming site on the web, MySpace, has unturfed tham magical rhymes of MC Dicko who has named himself MC Dicko Lives on his Myspace page. Kinda like a fast food abortion-- McDick Olives please Mr drivethrough....
In 1985 I had a really shit haircut. I thought I’d be as cool as MJ Fox in Back to the Future breaking the speed limit in a DeLorean. Man he was so hot I bet he had a good go on the entire cast of The Breakfast Club, even that Emilio Estevez. You don’t tend to hear about MJF anymore, wonder if he’s stuck back in time again? I bought him an Etch-A-Sketch for Christmas last year but I didn’t get a thank you note. The ungrateful quiff that he is.
God bless Angus MacGyver. Shit scared of guns, his action hero style involved everyday things and a bucket load of knowledge. Like a love child between Indiana Jones and a Womble., a longtime fixture of the BitTorrent community, is currently under investigation.