What a week it has been. Having a quick scour over the best grooming site on the web, MySpace, has unturfed tham magical rhymes of MC Dicko who has named himself
MC Dicko Lives on his Myspace page. Kinda like a fast food abortion-- McDick Olives please Mr drivethrough....

What a retard, guess he's young though so I should hold back. That said
check his video, what a legendary piece of shit.... no must hold back, sorry dicko. Bizarrely not the most surreal music thing I've seen this week. That goes to the
spinning leek video. Champion!

On the photo side I've liked
Andrea Giacobbe's work, especially the fashion stuff - slightly surreal - top marks there. Also
Alexander Bergstrom got another glance from me. He reminds me a little of
Carl BengtssonThe best video comes from a guy who has shortened
2001: Space Odyssey into 2001 seconds. In his words "2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most amazing films ever made. It doesn’t half drag on a bit though. Thats why I tightened it up a bit, cut out the boring parts, made it a little snappier, and altered the sound track." Lovely... download it
Imagine finding out that your child wasn't yours? You know, like on Trisha and that. Paternity testing is a tricky business. Just look at
this couple on the Maury Show. Ignore the reaction for a second. The baby of the
white couple is clearly
black. Why is the guy so shocked? Now I'm no expert but I've made this little abstract guide so you can tell if a child is yours - click the picture.
Been scanning the blogs again this week. The best was a blog of
cats which look like Hitler. On a serious note the blog of a
homeless guy was pretty interesting and has topped many of the links charts this week. Some guy photo-blogging about
opening bottles didn't.
Thing about trawling blogs is that most are of dubious quality. Just look at my one. But a word of advice... if you're
travelling the world, don't keep a diary. I've read loads of travel blogs and they're all as dull as dishwater. Remember, there was a reason you weren't a writer before you left. Just cause you've bought a plane ticket doesn't mean you have an exclusive licence to talk about the Angkor Wat. Oh? you "went to a Yoga class, which is sooo much cooler because its in a different country and you met this girl from Atlanta who was talking about her home and it reminded you that you'd not had a bagel for ages..." nothing more inspiring there than what I could hear in a laundrette. I don't know what makes travel bloggers such smug fucks. Its not like its difficult or original to go to these places. So a thumbs-up to Matt, whose take on the travelling diary is inspiring entertaining and to the point...
see for yourselves.
Bored? then read the
Friday stuff #1tags ( MySpace | Photography | Leeks | Travelling | Paternity test )