
Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Stuff #3

picture of me!Oh lordy! Yes yes, here it is! Friday things number #3 packed with a load of nonsense links so you can all waste your lives away. None of you ever seem to thank me for my internet foraging skills, it’s a thankless job I can tell you, thankless. Thinking about it, it’s not even a job – I have to pay to maintain this site. Hot piss, I’m stupid.

First things first. The philosophers S Club 7 tried to convince us that Goodbye is the hardest thing to say, but I now know different. Apparently, according to the clever peoples, the hardest thing to say (in English) is “the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick” which is why I’ve decided not to hang out with Sheiks near any type of farmland – a sentence especially dangerous during times of ruminant pandemic I suspect.

Sooooo… photographicalism! I really liked Helena Kvarnström's work, all barren and full of pastels. Awkward but each photo has a warming charm to it. Erwin Olaf’s work does the same but with more abstraction and most lurid colouration – check the series entitled hope with its expressions so blank they could be varnished and hung on a hunter's wall. My fav type of photography tho, especially on the web, is photojournalistic stuff and Julian Li’s work from Cambodia is ace.

I forget about webcomics. I considering I like webcomics made by average peeps which can and can’t draw I should remember to read them. Xkcd.com’s stuff stimulates both my comedy and geek centres of the brain, something which was last achieved by the Monkey Island series of games waaaaay back when the internet was all fields. The new Dr McNinja is completely on form: irreverent, stupid and therefore 100% more awesome that most web stuff.

Talking of awesome... The most awesome T-Shirt comes from the merchandise of Dinosaur Comics. Click the picture to see the design. Awesome.

Odd things were found on the CIA’s website by the DefenseTech blog. they write about a truly bizarre personality test which starts “Which activity would you like your mission to include? Rock climbing / Dining on haute cuisine / Surfing the waves” and uses the answer to dispel myths about the organisation. For some reason most Americans must believe the CIA posess superpowers and kick-ass Bond-esque cars with oil slick buttons and the like.

Not as odd as the university professor who stripped in front of his students. This happen in the west but China. A country with some of the worst cases of censorship and abuse of press freedom in the world. Surely this sort of thing is like writing your own obituary.

Next on to alleviating some of your dreary boring lives...

Chapter one: If you’re like me, you’ll hate losing. Losing is for losers. Fortunately I’ve bested most strategic games and am now taking lessons in fighting like a ninja. If you ever want to beat me at anything you’ll have to start at the bottom and learn hard. Why not start with the mother of all strategic games: Rock Paper Scissors by reading this strategy guide.

Chapter two: winners like cartoons. So do popular people. I know geeks do to, but if you don’t think about it too much you’ll be safe from spots and NHS glasses. This blog compiled a list of loads of cartoons uploaded to YouTube. Woo!

Chapter three: Everyone loves lists. Here’s ailing sell out resting-on-laurels magazine Rolling Stone's list of the top 500 albums of all time. I own them all. Except the shit ones.


At 8:14 pm, October 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that's um, kinda interesting news and all. I specifically liked that fact that there actually is a World Championships for RPS. Another fact I can add to my facts-I-don't-actually-wanna-know-about-list.
Keep up the work mate, someone has to give us useless information!

At 3:20 am, November 15, 2006, Blogger Lee-Jon said...

Here's another fact: India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17th Century.


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