Gregory Calender
Calenders are usually pretty standard objects with photos of either manicured and trimmed models somewhere between underdressed and naked, or have pictures of fields. Either way you know what you're getting. Keep track of birthdays, cross off the days before the wife's next period, doctors, dentists, euthanasia clinic, and so on.
The Gregory Calendar by Dadadum is not the standard way to keep track of days, but so much more fun.... just follow the dots!
(this was found in the excellent blog Better Living Through Design way back in October)
tags ( Design Home Calender )
Pretty Calendar - Comment added to show some people , albeit occasionally, do read your blog
Yeah. I liked it so much i'd considering ripping it off :D
Thanks for comment.
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One fingered salute to Mr. Lee-Jon! Love reading the site, mate, always good for a laugh at 8 a.m. before work. Kudos to the internet hood-rat above who's helped me both relieve my hemorrhoids and get off the cannabis bandwagon. Right up there with google and maddox--a healthy dose of laughter and medical advice. Keep 'em coming! ;)
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