
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Odds of Dying

Someone once told me that I've more chance being hit by a bus than winning the lottery. I know that's a lie since I've never even done the lottery. In fact* being hit by a bus is a (statistically) very probably event. Since there are, lets say, about 10 million busses in the world. And since there is a finite amount of people, some of them will be hit by buses. And laws of probablity state** that the person hit by a bus is just the sort of person who refuses to take the bus on class grounds; in being hit, the quantum law of irony*** once revert to an equilibrium - the world is in balance.

Oh and being hit by a bus can be fatal. And I bet there is some sort of equation and probablity to that too. But only scientists who can't be bothered answering real questions know that. I do not.

There are twenty-three ways to die. Including death by bus, death by chocolate, evil-eye and some others. As morbid as it seems, stats people at the nsc, along with the yellow bordered people at the National Geographic, produced this lovely diagram to show the odds of dying in one of these 23 ways.

Click the pic!

* not a fact
** no they don't
*** which does not exist


At 8:15 pm, December 09, 2006, Blogger Lee-Jon said...

Thanks man. :(

Into the final year of the twenties.....


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