
Friday, May 26, 2006

International Shout Outs

May's visits to the site have equalled the total for March and April together! Winner!
Also I'm almost a global media machine now, with hits from all over this small wet ball. Shout-out and thanks to the following nations who, in May, have been added to the list of places I've received major visits from!

Thailand - thanks to all-time favorite traveller Lucy
Israel - thanks to John
Belgium - just need a few more to complete Europe
Russian Federation
Sri Lanka

Friday stuff

picture of me!Writing a thesis doesn't half cut into my un-thesis time. I haven't finshed any articles or reviews. Instead I'll bombard you with other people's works. That's what blogs are for anyway.

picture of me!STOP PRESS! I am the healthiest man alive. According the beeb anyway. Drinking is a good for you. Not binge drinking - that's just a fashionable term for wiped out women. Proper drinking. Done by men. Possibly with ass-hair. Anyway it’s proven that drinking is a male pastime – and it does them good.

Where else is there that men can get away from the wife, without having to touch rag worm and hooks? Yes the local argument farm and its bicker-juice. Full of people spurting a load of debate on something they have no jurisdiction over. Remember philosophy is best left to philosophers… and farmers. Politics is best left up to Bush, and religion is best left up to stupid people. Yes that link does show a study which negatively correlates IQ with religion. I would say something about sport and pubs but I know about snooker; since 70% of those who read this blog aren’t from England and its assets, I'll keep quiet. Here’s some things to debate at your next row.

Aside from thesis writing I’ve been checking loads of amateur photographers sites again. I really like Mia Mala McDonald's music stuff. Carlos and Jason Sanchez has some excellent people work. Finally, Zena Holloway's underwater stuff is exemplary.

On the music side I’ve been impressed with Wears the Trousers magazine. Nicely done people! As for bands, the best name I’ve heard in a while is from Canadian indie group The Most Serene Republic, whose rather good new album has landed in my lap - thanks Arts&Crafts. Unusually for the A&C label they're the first band that aren't in some way involved with supergroup Broken Social Scene.

What else:
Bored? – play the streaking game
Life coaching -ask willy for help
Browser fun – this little browser based comedy made me smile

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Pirate Baby!

Paul Robertson's "Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006" is one of the best animations I've seen in months. Its a reverse machinima monochrome romp to the style of early 90s beat-em-ups. Nicely violent with tongue-in-cheek special moves which reference well know points in pop culture. Can't spoil it anymore; just download and enjoy...

Download using Bittorrent
Download as MPG - 112Mb direct from selectparks

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Cowboys and Mexicans

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
director: Tommy Lee Jones
writer: Guillermo Arriaga
121 minutes, 35 mm, English and Spanish

We all falter a little from time to time. To err is human right? So after the superb scripts of Amores Perros and 21 Grams no one would think bad of Guillermo Arriaga if his pen had dried a little. Not so though, as The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada earned best screenplay at Cannes last year, and I have to say I side with the French. This emotional and subtle modern day Western is a tale of honesty, retribution and loyalty. As a big-screen directorial debut, it does Tommy Lee Jones justice.

Tommy Lee as rancher PeteJones also stars as Pete Perkins, a hard-working Texas rancher, who hires an illegal Mexican immigrant called Melquiades (Julio Cedillo). Mike Norton (Barry Pepper), a trigger-happy border guard, kills Melquiades, but the incident gets covered up. Attempts by Pete to uncover the truth surrounding Melquiades death go unheeded. The local sheriff (Dwight Yoakam) is as impotent towards the case as he is for local café waitress Rachel. Border guards seem content to let sleeping ‘wetbacks’ lie. Whereas the indolent heartless Norton just seems to pass the time with the desert, a copy of Hustler and his right hand as witnesses. Conversely, his wife (January Jones) deals with her mind-numbing and breakneck sex-life with a bit of adultery. All the characters are subtly intertwined, some with amusing connections.

breakneck sex lifeThe time-shuffling script flicks between near-past and present creating intrigue and questions without distracting from, or confusing, the narrative. Melquiades is first shown as a dead body, then as a living character, then to his burial, then we see his shooting – each shift piquing our curiosities into driving the story forward. This non-linearity stops at a crucial point when Pete, learning that Norton was the killer, takes justice into his own hands. The story becomes shifts from frustration to one of retribution – not only for Melquiades’ body and Norton’s sins – but for everyone we have encountered.

Pete saddles up with Norton as hostage and a dead body as cargo, heading across the desert to Mexico. Here the dissipated border town becomes a vast rugged landscape. And what awe-inspiring views – you almost forget that they’re transporting a corpse and chased by the police and border guards!

the journeyThis journey evokes a little of David Lynch’s The Straight Story with its chance meetings and little scenes, albeit with a dustier landscape. One which sticks out happens after Norton gets bitten by a snake only to be healed by a Mexican herbalist. This scene has a poetic resolve that another, where they encounter an old blind man who suspects his son living in the city has died, does not – but it does have one slightly more Godly.

The heaviest debt though is owed to Peckinpah’s Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia in its scenery, gruesome nature, antiheros and us-and-them chases across the Mexican desert. Oh and lets not forget that both involve transporting dead objects. Like Bring Me the Head, it gives homage to Sergio Leone westerns but is played in the modern day with modern problems. Three Burials examines poverty, indignity and race; but pulls the emotional punch to a tender stroke. It combines stoicism, and reprisal into a compassionate narrative. With each character transcending their shifting and shattered beginnings to a conscious and spiritual close. To err is human, but to forgive, divine.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

site news!

Just a note, a few backend things have been changed. Back to proper posting soon!
  • The homepage has the random picture loader working, more pics soon - link
  • The blog live bookmarks have been reconfigured so they should work on all browsers and mobile devices - make a live bookmark for this page by clicking here
  • Film! Reviews should be live in the next couple weeks.
If you're a geek why not read this bit too...
  • The blog CSS is being redesigned: why not watch the effort... - source
  • The blog has been properly converted to XHTML.
  • The film reviews mini site (no preview available as its broke) is done completely in lovely XML stuffs. If I can get it working.