Friday stuff

Where else is there that men can get away from the wife, without having to touch rag worm and hooks? Yes the local argument farm and its bicker-juice. Full of people spurting a load of debate on something they have no jurisdiction over. Remember philosophy is best left to philosophers… and farmers. Politics is best left up to Bush, and religion is best left up to stupid people. Yes that link does show a study which negatively correlates IQ with religion. I would say something about sport and pubs but I know about snooker; since 70% of those who read this blog aren’t from England and its assets, I'll keep quiet. Here’s some things to debate at your next row.

On the music side I’ve been impressed with Wears the Trousers magazine. Nicely done people! As for bands, the best name I’ve heard in a while is from Canadian indie group The Most Serene Republic, whose rather good new album has landed in my lap - thanks Arts&Crafts. Unusually for the A&C label they're the first band that aren't in some way involved with supergroup Broken Social Scene.
What else:
Bored? – play the streaking game
Life coaching -ask willy for help
Browser fun – this little browser based comedy made me smile
tags ( drinking | music | The Most Serene Republic | Broken Social Scene | news | funny | games | photography )
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