
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Art Face Off

Artists usually don't fight. Not proper fighting like you get in Scunthorpe bars. Girls squawking like wounded ducks while their bare chested fellas, sweaty and bloodied, duke it out in an uncoordinated flurry of fists and lager-fat. However sometimes artists get beef with each other but, like the scarf wearing Withnails they are, get resolution using a good old fashioned duel. Pistols being swapped for the artists' tools.

If you are and artist, and I've slept with your wife, feel free to issue a challenge across the net.
If you're not, why not check out the artists dueling on Art Face Off. Its great.

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Doodle Math

I like sums. Especially ones which start "Lee-Jon has two bottles of whisky...". The problem is I don't like doing them with pens. I much prefer the old fashioned way with a Casio in my palm. I found a dude on the internet who does, and he does it not by thinking, but by doodles. Which is good.

Click here to see the video

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gregory Calender

Calenders are usually pretty standard objects with photos of either manicured and trimmed models somewhere between underdressed and naked, or have pictures of fields. Either way you know what you're getting. Keep track of birthdays, cross off the days before the wife's next period, doctors, dentists, euthanasia clinic, and so on.

The Gregory Calendar by Dadadum is not the standard way to keep track of days, but so much more fun.... just follow the dots!

(this was found in the excellent blog Better Living Through Design way back in October)

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Sorry about october - no posts = busy lee-jon.
Post resume today!